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Soul Kin

3/2017 - 7, 2017


  • Employed testing techniques to quality check team designs on a daily basis to ensure basic functionality and project cohesion and worked to provide meaningful feedback to help improve team design iterations.

  • Designed and was responsible for owning 6 levels, each with a unique environmental theme and mechanic to match it, and worked through my designs to promote cooperation and interactivity between the players.

  • Created and maintained critical design documents using Google Drive software and Excel, including a 62-page game design document as well as 16 weekly build notes outlining feedback and technical issues. 

  • Employed agile development methodologies over a 4-month period to successfully complete weekly sprints/iteration cycles to learn and simulate industry experience and conditions. 

  • Developed over 70 scripts using C# scripting, and was responsible for implementing, polishing, and testing the UI, level mechanics, and character progression systems. 

Game Designer/Level Designer

Soul Kin Trailer

Soul Kin Trailer

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Soul Kin is a 2-D cooperative puzzle-platformer, that was a collaborative effort between myself and the other 4 members of my capstone project.


In Soul Kin, the players inexplicably find their souls linked together and must progress by solving puzzles that are designed around their unique abilities as well as cooperation, as they try to find an explanation for their mysterious condition. The players attempt to accomplish this by progressing through a series of 5 increasingly difficult levels. The levels are each themed around certain mechanics and player abilities and are set up in a way so that the players are taught about and introduced to the highlighted mechanic of the level. The players are introduced to new abilities by finding and unlocking them early on in the level. Once the players have unlocked the level's ability, the players will continue practicing the mechanic as they are slowly introduced to new ways for them to interact with the environment with the mechanic. As they are doing this, the players will attempt to find collectibles called soul shards, which will allow them to progress to future levels. Each level progresses like this in a similar manner until the players finally reach the "boss" level, which contains a series of difficult puzzles that will test both of the players' mastery of their abilities and mechanics.


Soul Kin was originally pitched as my final project idea, and as there was only going to be 3 teams of students that would be formed, it had to compete with other student pitch ideas to be chosen as an approved final project game. Once the pitch was approved, we were assigned into teams and my team of 5, which included myself, began development. Soul Kin had a 4-month development, and while there was stress, numerous struggles, and occasionally conflict, it was like nothing I have ever experienced before. I am extremely pleased with the final product of our work, and all of my future projects will benefit from what I have learned from the development of Soul Kin.




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